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The summer provides an opportunity for both groups to go on Mission trips that include retreats, work camps, and funside trips.


The goal of Summit's Youth Ministry is to provide support, challenge and love to young persons in the way that will lead them to identify them with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and grow in their faith in such a way that they will begin to make a difference with their peers and in their world.


The Junior and Senior High Youth gather together mainly on Sundays at 6 p.m. during the school year, so that they can get to know one another and get to know the One who truly cares about them.  


Service is an important part of our Youth Ministry and each year we shop for and pack Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and also shop for Angel Tree children – all so that our teens would understand the meaning of giving.  We want teens to know that it’s fun to serve!!


Each year in September, we met in Summit's Fellowship Hall for the "See You At The Pole" breakfast at 6:15 a.m.  By 6:45 am the youth are taken to each of their school to participate in prayer around the flagpole, where they joined other youth to pray for friends, teachers, the school, our country, etc. 


While we don’t meet on a regular basis during the summer months, our Youth typically has a great time helping with VBS in June and then  head out in July to either serve on a mission trip or participate in a youth seminar. 

Contact Us: Summit Presbyterian Church                               181 Caldwell Drive Butler PA 16002                                                  724-287-2378

                       © 2015 by Summit Presbyterian Church. all rights preserved.

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