Summit Presbyterian Church invites you to worship as WE Love Jesus seeking to praise and glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to share the Good News of the Gospel of the forgiveness of sin and eternal life.
Please click the button below to learn more about what we believe and about our denomination the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
In - Person Worship
We gather for worship at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings
At Summit Church We Learn from Jesus by the studying of the Word of God.
Our Christian Education and our mission and ministry are conducted by small groups.
Every member is encouraged to participate in a small group of their choice. Small groups
meet at least once a month and engage in the study of God’s Word, Doctrine and History of
the Church, or group studies that apply God’s Word to our daily living (i.e. parenting, finance, child rearing, etc.)
Click here to learn more about where our small groups serve.
Summit is a praying Church!
Prayer is essential to a healthy ongoing relationship with God and for our spiritual formation and development.
We would like to come alongside you and to pray for and with you.
We have Prayer Request Boxes outside the Church and HIS Kid’s School (a mission of Summit Church)
You may complete a prayer request at the following link: --------------
New Members Classes and Confirmation Classes
If you are interested in becoming a member of Summit Church, or have students of Confirmation age (9th grade to 12th grade) , please contact the Church office at 724-287-2378 or via email summitchurch@zoominternet.net