Summit Church
181 Caldwell Drive
Butler, PA 16002
Giving to God through Summit Church
Ways to Give Financially
Donation by check (in person or mail to the church)
Donation in cash (in person)
Online donation through your bank's Bill Pay feature
Online donation through PayPal (just click the yellow "Donate" button!)
Use AmazonSmile! (click the green button for more information)
Ways to Give Yourself
Attend weekly services -- give of yourself through worshiping God in song and prayer
Attend events -- give of yourself through caring fellowship
Sign up to serve as a volunteer! Download the sign up form by clicking here:
Why Give?
We believe that giving of our selves and our resources is an act of worship of our God.
We believe that everything we have is a gift from God (1 Chronicles 29:14)!
We also believe that as we give, the world is changed for the glory of God: the Gospel is preached, lives are touched, people are fed, bodies are healed, churches are built,
We believe that, in turn, we are blessed by God so that we can give again (Luke 6:38)!